Finding Joy

Joy and happiness are often confused. Maybe it is because they frequently occur at the same time or maybe it’s because the complexity of joy is lost in our hectic world. The emotion of happiness brings feelings of intense pleasure and contentment, while joyfulness is more of a state of mind. It lives in you and gives you courage to be authentic and at one with self.

Happiness is easily seen through laughter and smiling. It can be fleeting though and is difficult to rely upon. It comes on when you enjoy a light fun conversation, get puppy kisses, or go out for a favorite meal. Joy is deeper, more meaningful, and stays past the sugar high.

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how to find happiness, it seems to show up unannounced like a favorite Aunt, but then leaves when the money runs out. Joy must be looked for, pursued, and practiced. It may be more difficult, but practicing the steps to joy will help your physical and mental health as well as create a more lovely environment for you to live.

Here are some tips:

  1. What is meaningful to you? Make time each day to do something you feel passionate about like cooking, exercise, or creating things for causes. I know, you don’t feel like you have time. Start small and work up to the more elaborate. I promise you that it will be worth it.
  1. Take a break from anything that makes you compare your life to other people’s lives.
  2. Add gratitude thoughts to your already habits. For example, when you are driving home from work, brushing your teeth, or washing dishes think or speak aloud 10 things for which you are grateful. (I personally speak these aloud when I eat lunch alone.)
  1. Be intentionally present each day. Sit with your favorite beverage without any distractions, take a walk in nature, or take a bath with no distractions. No distractions mean things like social media, phones in general, or problems to solve – learn to practice quiet.
  2. Make opportunities for laughter. Laughter is a healer, no really, it’s true. You may have to plan time for laughter though; like game night with friends, going to a comedy club, or going out in costumes. Everyone needs a little fun when creating joy.

Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. Joseph Campbell.
Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. Greg Anderson

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