There are many cultures that weave imperfection into their artwork so as not to be thought to be competing with their God. This is a beautiful custom and teaches us the message of “good enough.”
I have a post it note on my desk that says, “200 crappy words per day.” It is a concept taken from another writer, Mark Manson, and reminds me that my commitment is to writing every day, not to writing a Pulitzer every day. It too is a beautiful thought.

Good Enough is a concept that we either seem to have forgotten or we have deemed unworthy. I believe that trying to be the best, smartest, most beautiful, or most important is not only impossible, but also exhausting.
We all know children who were the best in sports, academics, or popularity, but when they eventually moved to a different place or university they crashed and burned because they didn’t know how to live under the bridge of second best. Let’s not continue this. Let’s model ‘good enough’.
So, the question for 2025 doesn’t need to be how can I be prettier, skinnier, more muscular, more organized, richer, or….? but instead, “how can I be a better me?” Don’t worry, I have some tips for you.
First, know who you are.
Name 5 people who remind you of yourself. What characteristics do they possess that make them like you? Name 5 things that you enjoy about your life. Why do you enjoy them? Name 5 things that make you uncomfortable? What about them makes them disagreeable? When do you feel you most calm?
Second, know what you need to learn.
Name 5 things that you need to learn to feel stronger during the day. How would learning these things help you? Name 2 biases that you have. What do you need to rid yourself of these biases? Name 3 things you are good at. What tools do you need to continue being good at these things?

Lastly, practice living a balanced life by utilizing the information above.
Remember, the reasons we wake up are to share in love, make enough money to live, enjoy our lives, and feel at peace with self. We are not in competition with anyone-we are community. We are humans with needs for rest, food, water, and time for ourselves. We are not robots.
“I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough, that I am worthy of love without effort, that I am beautiful, that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves, the size of my lips, the color of my skin, and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay.”
-Tracee Ellis Ross