Curve Balls

Curve balls is a soft sounding phrase. Curves are rounded and caressive. The image may seem elegant. “Oh life sent you a curve ball,” is the phrase we receive when something drops into our lives unannounced.

Curve Balls are not nice. They land on the plate and knock over the food and drink. They hit you upside the head. They are usually unplanned and unwelcomed in life. Still, they happen, often.

I was recently diagnosed with something that some may call a curve ball. My emotions have been all over the place. Being a life coach/counselor has its advantages; however, and I know what to do for me, and feel that my coping methods for curve balls may help you.

Challenges Ahead

Throwing/Smacking/Hitting/ The Curve Ball Back into Submission: How to Make it to Tomorrow

  1. Stop to acknowledge what has happened:
    1. Write down the facts and your feelings about the facts. Both are important.
    1. Talk to someone you trust like partner or friend about the situation to help you with perspective and to think about things you are not thinking about.
    1. Make a list of questions that need clarifying before you can move forward.
  1. Connect:
    1. Connect with your personal needs through anything that feeds your soul.
    1. My connections are reaching out to my circle, writing, yoga, meditation, connecting with my pets, researching, and joining a support group.
  1. Take care of your body:
    1. Make and stick to a sleep, nutrition, & movement schedule. This is your pace.
    1. Make a list of medications, appointments, and record ongoing symptoms or emotions in an easy to get to log so that you can track your progress.
  1. Take time for fun:
    1. My curve ball has taken me away from of my normal fun, so I made a new normal list.
    1. My curve ball needs me to ask for help doing the fun, so I reached out to friends/family.
  1. Take care of 1-3 things you neglected and may be worried about:
    1. Make a short list for the day or week. 
    1. Do the things on the list and check them off. Repeat when necessary.

“Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise. ” Kobe Bryant

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