Physical: Most likely caused by an interrupted rapid eye movement cycle. During normal REM sleep, the brain shuts down your muscles, so you don’t act out your dreams. During sleep paralysis, the sleeper is half awake during this muscle shut down causing the scary situation. Studies show that between 25%-50% of Americans have experienced it, and that the experience is found in all cultures.
Causes: lack of sleep, sleeping on your back, leg cramps, substance abuse, stress, off sleep schedule, pulling all-nighters, jet lag, social anxiety, and panic disorders (in rare occurrences it can be linked to mental illness).
Treatments: Get 6-8 hours of sleep on a regular schedule / reduce stress physically or mentally / prescription antidepressants if needed / medication or heat/massage for leg cramps / Name it to tame it and soothe yourself back to sleep.
Alternative healing: Warm bath before bed with Epsom salts, lavender, and chamomile (You can use tea bags or tea strain containers for easy herb clean up) / Don’t drink alcohol right before bed / drink chamomile tea before bed / burn protection incense or sleep with a healing herb sachet under your pillow (Rosemary, cedar, lavender, bay laurel leaves, frankincense, hyssop, thyme, and mugwort are all protection herbs).