Health & Wellness

Let’s Talk About Value… Defining value is complicated because values are internal. We write them in our narratives and they, in turn, show people who we are. Values can change when things happen to us and around us, but values are always our own. We choose them, put them on, and wear them. Yes, wear

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I took a year sabbatical after a serious medical condition hit me out of the blue. I’m self-aware and listen to my partner, so I complied when he said, “You need therapy and time to recover.” The road has been long, lonely, and difficult. I’ve learned a lot about what I need, want, and am

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Renewal April is a time for renewal. Nature knows it. The tax people know it. The bodies feel it. What have you done lately to renew your soul… your energy… your mind? Recently, I found out that I was very low in vitamin D. When this happens body pain is higher than normal, depression hits,

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Love Me? I Don’t Even Know Me It is February, and the word love is everywhere. If you believe social media, everyone is fanatically happy with their spouse, partner, or pet. Why then is there divorce, Tinder, counseling waitlists, and loneliness? Could it be that to give love and receive love, we first need to

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