

Anxiety is an output of excessive worry that continues over a long period of time. It can be debilitating, frustrating, and also common. Some familiar symptoms may include: Feeling nervous, restless, or tense Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation) Feeling weak or tired Having trouble sleeping Feeling these symptoms

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Curve Balls

Curve balls is a soft sounding phrase. Curves are rounded and caressive. The image may seem elegant. “Oh life sent you a curve ball,” is the phrase we receive when something drops into our lives unannounced. Curve Balls are not nice. They land on the plate and knock over the food and drink. They hit

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Balance; oh that’s a tricky word. Many of us would like to think we strive for balance, but do we really?How much time do we spend each day on work? How much time each day with family? What about time alone, or with the spouse? Should we count the chores like breakfast dishes, laundry, and

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The Power of Beauty

Beauty is powerful. It opens doors to opportunities, alters moods, and entices us to covet. Beauty has been known to start wars, induce violence, and break hearts; and yet, many of us do not teach our children how to use or appreciate beauty gracefully. We often tell our children that it’s what’s on the inside

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